Not All Bad

You may think that all episodes for a schizophrenic are demonic and terrible. In most of my cases they are. Everyone now and again I get one that is not all bad. Back when I was a teenager, around 17 I had an episode that only lasted a few weeks. I had just got out  of the hospital for a second time and the meds were still getting into my system. I was alone, I had socially isolated myself from everyone. I dropped out of school and didn’t have anything close to a girlfriend.

During this episode a woman started talking to me, not like a normal conversation though. This woman and I were somehow connected through our minds. I could hear her thoughts if they were directed to me.

She was on the other side of the world though, me being without a job the furthest I could go was the back yard. Apparently we had time though, because we were destined to be together. Neither of us accepted this at first. Which became a problem because the rules of the episode is you have to want to believe it.

Pretty soon our mental connection was fading. I had to resort to writing little notes and the burying them. So how that was my way of communicating with her.

Obviously I never received a note back but in my head I did. She told me she was a famous singer. Never did get a name or number.

There wasn’t much to this delusion and after a short while my medications kicked in and the episode was over. I never spoke about this to anyone and when no one was looking I dug up the notes and threw them away. It would have been pretty embarrassing if anyone were to find them.

Published by Anonymous Schizo

I've been handling schizophrenia since my early teenage years. Needless to say I haven't always handled it well. My goal is to blog about my life so people can see what I've gone through, maybe to relate, gain insight, or to just take a walk in my shoes. This is my Schizophrenic Life.

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